Easton's 76 - BodyByHighboy

Easton's 76

@BodyByHighboy : What Year Is Your Truck

@76.dentside : 1976

@BodyByHighboy : How long have you owned your truck?

@76.dentside : Since 2021

@BodyByHighboy : When you purchased your truck, what kind of truck were you looking for?

@76.dentside : I was looking for a dentside but as I was headed to check one out I saw this one at a house on the way there. I went up to the owners and gave them a cash in hand offer and they sold me the truck right there.

@BodyByHighboy : If you could only share one story or experience with your truck, what would it be?

@76.dentside : Taking the truck back to the previous owners after a paint job and an entire interior remodel. The previous owners were very happy with the way I've tried to keep everything as original as possible with minimal modern upgrades.

@BodyByHighboy : What upgrades have you made to the truck?

@76.dentside : 460 swap, Disc Brakes, Full interior remodel, Paint job

@BodyByHighboy : What are your future plans with the truck?

@76.dentside : I love the look of a wooden flatbed. So maybe🤷‍♂️

@BodyByHighboy : We love truck stories! Do you have anything else to share?

@76.dentside : The truck was a ranger truck used in the Tennesee Smokey Mountains.

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