Bill Norton's 1969 4x4 - BodyByHighboy

Bill Norton's 1969 4x4

@BodyByHighboy : What Year Is Your Truck

Bill Norton : 1969

@BodyByHighboy : How long have you owned your truck?

Bill Norton : Dad bought it new in 69

@BodyByHighboy : When you purchased your truck, what kind of truck were you looking for?

Bill Norton : Work/ hunting

@BodyByHighboy : If you could only share one story or experience with your truck, what would it be?

Bill Norton : My dad and me and my brother are dad’s grandson have all driven it

@BodyByHighboy : What upgrades have you made to the truck?

Bill Norton : Rebuild engine, tires and rims, otherwise pretty stock

@BodyByHighboy : What are your future plans with the truck?

Bill Norton : Probably going to my dads grandson

@BodyByHighboy : We love stories about trucks. . . do you have anything else you want to share about your truck?

Bill Norton : This was the family’s first Ford truck, now there are ten in the family, plus mustangs. Built Ford Tough

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